Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What's Your Motivation?.?.?.??????

Im over here in the hotel watching the Phillies vs. Dodgers... Today, my roomate (Phil Hunt, who I have mentioned before) came in the room and said something that caught my eye. His girlfriend and 6 month old baby boy came to visit him for the week from Texas. He brought his boy to the room and layed him on the bed and said,"There's my motivation". Simple right? Basically, I'm wondering what motivates YOU? I was trying to take a nap and that's all I could think about. I know what motivates me everyday. If you feel up to it, just post on here what exactly motivates you to get up every morning and attack each day like it's your last? Details aren't needed if you don't want to give them. It will give us all a different outlook on life and what others think and feel. Hopefully this works the way I want it to. Hope all is well and look forward to hearing what you have to say. Till next time.



  1. Giving my daughter a better life and achieving the happiness I so desire. My motivation is drawn from various avenues.....

  2. Different things motivate me, but the main thing is my family. They drive me to do my best even when I don't feel my best. I want to be a good role model for them and show them that they can achieve anything if they work hard.

  3. Honestly...knowing that I am needed..knowing that my positive attitude keeps my family going..knowing that I love each of every one of them with all my heart. Knowing that my grandchildren motive me to keep going to keep the traditions that my father and mother instilled in know that God gives me what I can handle and no more.. to Thank God each and every moring for getting me thru the night and to please help me get through another know that I have 4 brothers who took over when my father died..that I can rely on them when needed..I love them all..Thank you God for this great family..we may not have wealth but we have faith and each other..thanks to my dad and mother...that really started my motivation...

  4. What motivates me is the fact that we have one life to live to everything ; to love, to live out our dreams, to reach out to people, to inspire people, all everything else positive. All i need is people who love me, people who will be there whether i succeed or fail, in essence family and friends.

    I really don't know you beyond the casual hello, but some of my friends do, and although they may not tell you, they're always saying how you're such a great guy that they hope you succeed in whatever you do and you deserve success in whatever form it comes in. When i see little things happen like that; random people you might not know are praying for your success; i think that's the biggest motivation of all. <3

  5. what motivates me is showing that i can be a better man then my dad was... he turned his back and left my mom, me and my sister. I want to show that through all the problems that life has to throw at me i'm gonna get up and keep fighting... and find happiness it whatever form it comes.

  6. Adam everyones is different mine too is my family, My kids are totally dependant on me and as a mommy it makes u wanna wake up and hit that day full force! Doing everything necessary to help achieve your goal, As a person who went from being a kid in school to with out warning LOL being a Mommy and wife and knowing no matter what happens your main goal is to raise your kids with the same values and morals you were raised with only your way LOL! And to give anything whether it be football or your kids 110% everyday and all day!

  7. my girl def motivates me to be a better person and once she graduates this year to start our life together, God willing

  8. Wow, good question. I guess it's just an inner drive to succeed and to achieve goals that I've set for myself to better my life in various ways. One day soon my husband and I would like to start a family of our own, and I want to be able to provide for them as best I can. So, I'm working hard now to get myself where I need to be in my own life, so that I can one day have that.

  9. Family is a good one. But for me, it's knowing that life can change, in a moment. One day, things are great; another not so much. With that, it's easier for me to wake up, earn a paycheck, pay bills, enjoy my spouse, and friends. Come home to a good dinner, etc.. Just to enjoy what you have, and being prepared for obstacles is my motivation.

  10. My nieces and nephews motivate me - if I screw up what a terrible example that will be for them from someone who has always supported them and seemed to have made a success of her life - I always want to be a positive role model for them.

  11. I really appreciate everyone who responded to my question.. it means alot and gave me an insight as to what motivates others.. Thanks alot!

  12. My motivation comes from knowing Jesus and striving to reflect his light.

    However, it wasn't that way until recently. It used to be narcissistic goals and dreams aimed for personal gratification (baseball and fame). Unfortunately, it took the destruction of my baseball career and a culmination of other happenings for me to realize these motives.

    After baseball was taken from me (about two years ago) I needed something to replace it. It had been the reason I woke up, the reason I had friends, the reason I did anything. I tried everything I could think of but nothing could fill the void.

    I think I should clarify another point before I continue (and AD you were a witness to this at OW). Although baseball had been my motivation and the center of my life, it did not truly satisfy me. I had good intentions and tried to live a moral life, but I was not a truly happy person with baseball at my core.


    Not because baseball is a boring sport and I should have picked another (although some of you might disagree lol). But because I was asking baseball to be something it isn't; something no sport, job, or person is; perfect and satisfying to the soul.

    Once I realized that I was no longer looking for a replacement for baseball, or a better job, or a different group of friends but rather something to represent the core of who I am, I was overwhelmed but also excited. All I had to was find this 'thing' to motivate me and be the basis for all my decisions and I wouldn't have to worry about anything anymore.

    After talking about this new realization, to the point of annoyance most likely, I was encouraged to speak to a close friend's church assistant pastor. I had never been a religious person and had always been very skeptical about the motives of the church; but still decided to meet with the assistant pastor.

    He pointed me to two books; the Bible and Timothy Keller's "A Reason for God"(I would encourage anyone who has doubts/questions about God or Christianity to read the latter). We met weekly to talk about the books and he helped answer the many questions I had. Needless to say, these two books have changed my life.

    Life is still tough and I am by no means a 'better' or 'perfect' person but I have found that soul-satisfying perfection. The best way I can describe it is an overwhelming, calming understanding that things are the way they are supposed to be because of God's grace.

    -Neil Malpass
